DC Knights Holiday Hitting League
Burn off those turkey calories just in time for Christmas by swinging your bat.
When: Thursdays, December 1, 8, 15, 22
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Age appropriate teams
8-19 years old
Taking the first eight teams
(3 players per team)
Individual players can register.
Will be placed on an age appropriate team.
$125 per player
Game rules: 10 pitches per player, must hit line drives, hit target score points
1 hour game
Hitting instructor staff will be on site.
Extra Inning Upper Marlboro
401 Prince Georges Blvd # D
Upper Marlboro, MD 20774-7430
To register send an email to dcknightsbaseball@hotmail.com
For More Information contact:
Coach Hall (202) 494-7743